The Work Continues to Move Forward

The work in Honduras is continuing to move forward. Since the project began in 2008, our team has trained leaders from 17 denominations or networks in the Church Planting/Disciple Making Movement strategy. Our full time team and those who we have trained have made contacts with potential people of peace in many locations throughout more than half the departments of Honduras. Some sort of work has been done in approximately 700 locations in the nation. Wells have been drilled for needy families, school supplies have been given to hundreds of children, a school has been painted in a village, people have received vitamins for their children, and small micro business work has blessed people in village areas and provided access for the gospel.

Of the 17 organizations that have been trained (including our primary team), we know that at least 6 of them have workers actively implementing the strategy. And at present, our latest statistics show that there are 172 new churches planted, and 210 other Discovery Bible Study groups (pre-church discipling groups) currently occuring. Our estimate is that nearly 8,000 people are involved in the churches and DBS groups! Take a look at the progress of the last 4 years, based on our educated estimates as we have reviewed the whole project:

2008: Project begun, about 20 DBS groups by year end....200 people involved.

2009: Summer high point, 73 groups.....around 750 involved. (1 of the churches planted about this time).

2010: Late Summer (after months of national disruption), 170 groups....1,700 people involved.

2011: April-May Assessment: 62 churches and 105 DBS groups.....3,500 people involved.

2012: April Assessment: 172 churches, 210 DBS groups....8,000 people involved.

As we review the estimates it seems that the impact of the work is slightly more than doubling every year. (A realistic graph of the project would not show a steady slope up, but rather ups and downs as the years have passed, but with a resulting upward trend. Some areas have had remarkable progress while others have been highly resistant).

As we look at what has happened on the field, we must remember that much work has been done on the home front, without which, the team in Honduras could not have been working. The faithful financial doners to this project will share in the rewards of souls saved and disciples made as will the frontline workers in Honduras. And the 300 Group, the prayer force for the Honduras CPM project, is made up of faithful prayer warriors, who pray for this project every day!. Presently there are around 250 people signed up to be a part of the 300 group...22 more this last weekend as I shared the work at Grace Church in Minneapolis and Caleb Gentry shared at Living Water Church in Bloomfield, MO.

The Lord is moving as His people give (the doners), pray (the 300 group), and work using the CPM principles on the frontlines in Honduras (the full time team and catalyzed workers). New DBS groups are starting....since November of last year there have been 11 new church plants and 132 new DBS starts. 32 of the new DBS groups are with the Pech Indian tribe.

As we look to the future there are numerous invitations, open doors and potential open doors to train leaders to make disciples in other locations and countries...a move that will truly transform this project from a Honduras project to a Central and South American project. In the next couple of years we are hoping and planning on training events in southern Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Cuba, and Colombia (with possible impact in Brazil). These doors and opportunities are coming quickly.

Please pray for this work: The key leaders in Honduras (Adiel, Jacobo, Carlos, Oscar, Daniel, Mario, Beto, Santos, Wilfredo) and those they are training and mentoring. The Strategy Team: Randy,Linda, Keith, and Juanita Travis. The churches and studies and the many people being discipled. New open doors throughout Honduras and Latin America: Persons of peace. The Financial support needed to see the work continue and multiply. The Prayer Team to undergird the work. Most of all, Pray for Multiple Disciple Making/Church Planting Movements to emerge throughout all of Latin America, reaching every people group with the gospel.


Beatrice Daniel said…
hi Brother,
We are from India. We are also in to mission field. This is our website. Please come to our country as a team. Please make it.
you are doing wonderful work for the Lord.

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