Taking Back the Fight: Missions Conference Week
This is missions conference week for WME. This Friday through Sunday, April 13 through 15, WME will be having its 13th World Missions Conference at Oasis Christian Center in Paducah KY. The conference begins on Friday evening at 7 p.m. with the first session. There will be conference sessions at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday and the conference will conclude on Sunday Morning in the 10 a.m. service. Meals will follow every service. Oasis Christian Center is at 3232 Buckner Lane in Paducah KY. We hope that all the readers of our blog will come out and be a part of this great time of Worship, Word, and Encouragement.
Our planned speaker, Syvelle Phillips of Evangel Bible Translators, is unable to be with us at the conference because of some health issues. He has recently been hospitalized, and although he is home and recovering very well, his physician has told him that he cannot make the trip. We hope that all of you will keep Bro. Syvelle in your prayers. He is a great man of God, who we love and respect very much. Bro. Phillips has been a personal inspiration to me for many years. May God bless him and his wonderful wife, Lovie, with complete healing and health.
Because of that, our speaking line up has changed a bit, but we believe that God has provided some other key men of God to bring some Key words to the conference this year. Here is our updated schedule of speakers:
Dr. J. T. Parish will be our Keynote speaker on Friday evening. Dr. Parish is the Founder of Christian Fellowship Church in Benton, KY, and is the Founder and Chairman of the Board of World Missions and Evangelism. With nearly 60 years of experience in full time ministry, Dr. Parish is a Pastor of Pastors and a sought after speaker.
Randy Travis is a 30 year veteran missionary to Latin America. Randy has been an affiliated Missionary with WME since 1988. Randy's ministry has resulted in the planting of approximately 200 churches in Honduras and he was one of the first pioneer missionaries to bring the gospel to the Pech Indian tribe. Randy is the Strategy Coordinator for the Honduras Church Planting Movement project that has planted 171 churches since 2008. He is a Missions Strategist and Practitioner of great passion for the Kingdom of God.
David Parish is the President of World Missions and Evangelism. WME is a missions sending agency focused on Church Planting Movements and Unreached Peoples and Regions of the World.
Friday, April 13
6 p.m. Registration and Fellowship.
7 p.m. Keynote Service: Dr. J. T. Parish(Food and fellowship following service!).
Saturday, April 14
10 a.m. Leadership Forum(Lunch Following).
6 p.m. Prayer for Nations Focus: David Parish(Food and Fellowship following service).
Sunday, April 15
10 a.m. Oasis Morning Service: Randy Travis(Lunch Following).
Contact the Conference Hotel concerning lodging: Pear Tree Inn, 5006 Hinkleville Road, Paducah, KY. 270-444-7200.
SPECIAL ADDITION: This week, preceding the conference, a special Youth Revival is being held at Oasis Christian Center, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings, April 9-11. Keith Travis, Missionary to Mexico and Honduras, and Co-Strategy Coordinator for the Honduras CPM project, is the special speaker. He is a powerfully anointed man of God. You are all invited to come be a part of these special services as a preliminary to Missions Conference!
Our planned speaker, Syvelle Phillips of Evangel Bible Translators, is unable to be with us at the conference because of some health issues. He has recently been hospitalized, and although he is home and recovering very well, his physician has told him that he cannot make the trip. We hope that all of you will keep Bro. Syvelle in your prayers. He is a great man of God, who we love and respect very much. Bro. Phillips has been a personal inspiration to me for many years. May God bless him and his wonderful wife, Lovie, with complete healing and health.
Because of that, our speaking line up has changed a bit, but we believe that God has provided some other key men of God to bring some Key words to the conference this year. Here is our updated schedule of speakers:
Dr. J. T. Parish will be our Keynote speaker on Friday evening. Dr. Parish is the Founder of Christian Fellowship Church in Benton, KY, and is the Founder and Chairman of the Board of World Missions and Evangelism. With nearly 60 years of experience in full time ministry, Dr. Parish is a Pastor of Pastors and a sought after speaker.
Randy Travis is a 30 year veteran missionary to Latin America. Randy has been an affiliated Missionary with WME since 1988. Randy's ministry has resulted in the planting of approximately 200 churches in Honduras and he was one of the first pioneer missionaries to bring the gospel to the Pech Indian tribe. Randy is the Strategy Coordinator for the Honduras Church Planting Movement project that has planted 171 churches since 2008. He is a Missions Strategist and Practitioner of great passion for the Kingdom of God.
David Parish is the President of World Missions and Evangelism. WME is a missions sending agency focused on Church Planting Movements and Unreached Peoples and Regions of the World.
Friday, April 13
6 p.m. Registration and Fellowship.
7 p.m. Keynote Service: Dr. J. T. Parish(Food and fellowship following service!).
Saturday, April 14
10 a.m. Leadership Forum(Lunch Following).
6 p.m. Prayer for Nations Focus: David Parish(Food and Fellowship following service).
Sunday, April 15
10 a.m. Oasis Morning Service: Randy Travis(Lunch Following).
Contact the Conference Hotel concerning lodging: Pear Tree Inn, 5006 Hinkleville Road, Paducah, KY. 270-444-7200.
SPECIAL ADDITION: This week, preceding the conference, a special Youth Revival is being held at Oasis Christian Center, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings, April 9-11. Keith Travis, Missionary to Mexico and Honduras, and Co-Strategy Coordinator for the Honduras CPM project, is the special speaker. He is a powerfully anointed man of God. You are all invited to come be a part of these special services as a preliminary to Missions Conference!