The Work Continues to Move Forward
The work in Honduras is continuing to move forward. Since the project began in 2008, our team has trained leaders from 17 denominations or networks in the Church Planting/Disciple Making Movement strategy. Our full time team and those who we have trained have made contacts with potential people of peace in many locations throughout more than half the departments of Honduras. Some sort of work has been done in approximately 700 locations in the nation. Wells have been drilled for needy families, school supplies have been given to hundreds of children, a school has been painted in a village, people have received vitamins for their children, and small micro business work has blessed people in village areas and provided access for the gospel. Of the 17 organizations that have been trained (including our primary team), we know that at least 6 of them have workers actively implementing the strategy. And at present, our latest statistics show that there are 172 new churches planted, and 210...