The Priviledge of Prayer

As we launch into this new year, and the 2nd year of our cpm project in Honduras, I want to refocus on prayer. Prayer is the first of the critical elements. Prayer is the absolute basis of cpm. Without prayer, no cpm can happen. The critical element is actually called "Passionate, Extraordinary Prayer". So let's focus on prayer.

I ask that all readers of this blog make prayer for the Honduras cpm project a priority in your life. If you do and would let me know about it, email me at

In this article, I want to talk about the Privilege of Prayer.

Let me develop the thought in 3 stages.

First, think of the Need of Prayer. In John 15:5 Jesus told us that without Him we can do a total of ......NOTHING! This is lesson 1 for people who want to see a church planting movement happen. Or for that matter anything else! So prayer is needed, because God is needed.

I have some BIG goals for WME. By the year 2030, I want to see 100,000 churches planted and a specific Muslim tribe in Indonesia reached with the gospel. Our strategy is cpm. This strategy is bearing incredible fruit in India, Africa and other places worldwide. We can point to millions of new believers and thousands of new churches and say that cpm works.

But without Him, it is impossible. The truth is, anywhere that a church planting movement is happening, there is a move of God.

Our link with omnipotence is prayer. As Charles Spurgeon said, "Prayer is the slender nerve that moveth the muscle of omnipotence". (Quoted in "The Hour That Changes The World", by Dick Eastman).

Clearly there is the Need of Prayer.

2nd, there is the Privilege of Prayer. We are invited, welcomed, even commanded to pray. Prayer is a need, but not one that is hard to meet. Prayer is open to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Not only are we privileged to have the opportunity of prayer, but we are literally given an immediate audience with God through prayer. Ephesians 2:6 tells us that we are seated spiritually with Christ in Heaven. Hebrews 10:19-22 tells us that the blood of Jesus has opened a new, living way into the very presence of God and Hebrews 4:16 tells us to confidently come to God's throne to get help.

If I wanted to meet with President Barak Obama, I suppose it might take me months to find some opening into his presence (more likely, none at all would be found). But at a moment's notice, I can walk into the throne room of Heaven and have an immediate audience with the King of the Universe, the God of all creation, the Sovereign of all existence. I am told that I am already seated with Christ in Heavenly places.

I don't have to seek this privilege, I have this privilege right now. If I don't use it, it can only be my own fault.

Thirdly, think of the Power of Prayer. By prayer, Elijah stopped the rain for over 3 years and by prayer it started again. By prayer, the early church went forward boldly and the house in which they were meeting was shaken. By prayer, Peter was delivered from death row by an angel.

As this year begins, I am committing myself anew to seek God by prayer. I will cover the cpm project in Honduras by prayer and ask others to join me. I ask God to:
1. Provide the finances for this project.
2. Protect the Missionaries and church planters involved.
3. Pour out the Holy Spirit upon them and empower them for the work.
4. Point out men and women of peace and give open doors for discovery Bible studies.
5. Produce obedient disciples of Jesus Christ who radically obey the Word of God.
6. Plant new replicating churches.
7. Propagate the gospel as new leaders are raised up, trained and sent.

Please join me in these prayers.


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