The Battle For the Bible

About 30 years ago there was a bestselling book called "The Battle for the Bible" by Harold Lindsell. It was a powerful defense of Inerrancy. Let me state my position on this....I believe in an inerrant and infallible Bible as the Word of God and if any other in- words are invented that suggest a strong position on the authority of the Word of God, I will believe in that too! I agree with Jack Taylor, who in one of his books said that he held the strongest view of the authority of scripture that he knew of. The enemy of our souls has been fighting the Bible for many years, but has completely failed to stop the unstoppable Word of God.

However the Battle for the Bible is not just a theological battle concerning inerrancy or infallibility. The main Battle for the Bible has to do with its effect in our lives and in the Kingdom of God's advance on the earth. In CPM, and in reality in all aspects of the Christian Life, the Bible's authority is critical.

Last Sunday, my wife and I were visiting in one of WME's partnering churches, Oasis Christian Center in Paducah, KY. Pastor Larry Starnes brought a powerful message based on the temptation of Christ in Matthew 4: 1-11. As he was preaching, I began to see the temptation of Christ in a different light. This temptation is given in detail in Matthew and Luke and in brief in Mark's gospel. As the sermon came to an end, it dawned on me to see if the 3 temptations could be looked at in any way as parallel with the "soils" of the parable of the sower.

For a bit of review, you might check out Mark 4: 1-20. There were 4 soils on which the sower sowed the Word. As I have pointed out many times in previous blogs, these soils represent ways the Word is treated. Briefly the first soil did not "Hear the Word". The 2nd soil did not "Understand the Word" and the 3rd soil did not "Obey the Word". The final soil did Hear, Understand, and Obey the Word and brought forth a harvest 30, 60, and 100 fold. This is the essense of how the Word is to be treated and forms a critical part of CPM strategy as well. It is also the pattern of the 3 Column Bible Study and the Discovery Bible Study that becomes the nucleus of a new church.

At the risk of being a bit "1 track" I tend to see this pattern in other places in the Bible as well. And most recently it was in the temptation story of Matthew 4: 1-11.

The First Temptation: Command these stones to become Bread.
Jesus' response: It is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God"

Principle 1: The Battle of "Hearing the Word" or operating from other inputs. Jesus makes it clear, that it is "by every word....from the mouth of God" that he functions. Jesus wins the battle by "Hearing the Word".

The Second Temptation: Throw yourself from the pinnacle of the Temple, because of a misinterpretation of Psalm 91.
Jesus' response: It is written again, "You shall not tempt the LORD your God".

Principle 2: The Battle of "Understanding the Word" or twisting it for ends other than the Word intends. Satan takes a scripture out of context and uses a misunderstanding to try to force Jesus to disobey God. Jesus wins the battle by correctly "Understanding the Word".

The Third Temptation: Worship me and I will give you all these things.
Jesus' response: It is written, "You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve".

Principle 3: The Battle of "Obeying the Word". Satan at this point offers Jesus the world's authority and riches (corresponding very much to the 3rd soil) if Jesus will disobey the First Commandment---You shall have no other gods before Me. Jesus wins the battle by choosing to Obey the Word, regardless of consequence!

I think that we are essentially all tempted in the same ways. The real battle is the Battle for the Bible.....will we Hear it, or listen to other guidance. Will we Understand it, or misinterpret it to fit our fleshly desires and agendas? Will we Obey it, or disobey to make an easier way for ourselves on our journey.

The good news is that the Victory is in Hearing, Understanding, and Obeying the Word!


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