The Beginning of the New Creation

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

On the first day, He said, "Let there be light" and there was light.

On the second day, He made the expanse and called it Heaven.

On the third day, He gathered the seas together and caused dry land to appear on earth. Then He made all the vegetation and plant life.

On the fourth day, He made the Sun, Stars, and Moon.

On the fifth day, He made all the water creatures and the birds of the air.

On the sixth day, He made all the animals and beasts of the earth. And He crowned His creation by creating Man in His image. He made Man and Woman and gave them authority over the whole earth to fill it.

God said that all of this was good.

And on the seventh day, God rested.

On the eighth day, the first of the second week, creation began to function. The garden began to be kept by Adam. But shortly the serpent came and enticed Eve, and Adam chose to rebel. And though the human race has filled the earth, it has been filled with sin, suffering and death.

God became flesh and dwelt among us.

On Sunday, the first day of the week, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem on a donkey, in fulfillment of prophecy. He was hailed by masses as King. He looked around the temple and went back to Bethany.

On Monday, the second day of the week, Jesus came into the city to minister and teach. On the way He saw an unproductive fig tree and cursed it. Then He proceeded into Jerusalem and in the temple, He drove out the money changers and declared that His Father's house was to be a house of prayer for all nations.

On Tuesday, the third day of the week, Jesus came into Jerusalem again and His disciples noticed that the cursed fig tree was dried up from the roots. Jesus taught them that faith in God would enable them to speak to mountains and see them removed. Then He proceeded to minister in Jerusalem and teach about the Great Commandments: Love God and Love neighbor as yourself. He found himself in controversy with the religious leaders.

On Wednesday, the fourth day of the week, Jesus taught in Jerusalem again, this time giving the strongest denunciation of religion He ever gave, and teaching profoundly about the future, prophecies some of which are still in our future. That night Mary anointed Him for burial, and Judas plotted his betrayal.

On Thursday, the fifth day of the week, Jesus celebrated passover with His disciples.
He washed their feet, instituted the Lord's supper, and taught them about the Holy Spirit. He led them to Gethsemane and prayed. There Judas brought the soldiers and He was arrested and led to a mockery of a Sanhedrin trial.

On Friday, the sixth day of the week, Jesus was condemned by the Sanhedrin, led to Pilate, then Herod, then back to Pilate again. He was beaten. He was mocked. He was whipped with the Roman cat of 9 tails. He was pierced by a crown of thorns. He was condemned, and taken to Golgotha and crucified between 2 thieves. Through it all He repeated, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
He hung on the cross for six hours that Friday, and at the end, when His work was completely finished, He declared, "It is Finished" and died. He was taken down from the cross and buried by friends in a borrowed tomb.

On Saturday, the seventh day of the week, He rested.

On Sunday, the eighth day, and the first day of a New Week, He rose victorious. He is alive and is the first fruits of the Resurrection. It was the beginning of a new creation a new race of people....redeemed and given new birth. On that day, the Last Adam, the Second Man, walked forth alive forevermore. Within a short time that morning he was seen by Mary Magdalene and other women and resurrection faith first fully exploded into the hearts of the first human beings to be "born again". That night He entered the room where His disciples were and breathed on them, telling them to "Receive the Holy Spirit", and they were "born again". A new race has begun, and over the next 40 days, He appeared to them and before He ascended to sit at the Father's right hand (from whence He will come again) He gave them a Great bring this message to every tongue, tribe, and fill the whole earth with the good news of His Person and His work and this New Creation that they could be a part of.

And all over the world it is still happening. In Asia, in Africa, in the East, and the West, the Global South and the North, we are living in the day when the Word of the Kingdom of God is exploding and soon will fill the whole world.

This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all peoples, and then the end shall come.

Happy Easter.


Ron E. Thompson said…
Do you have any information or reports on the Evangelism-in Depth ministry in Hazard, KY in 1967-1968 or Du Page County, IL 1968-1969? I am compiling data on EID ministry.

Thank You,

Ron thompson
David Parish said…
So sorry for the delay.....Something must have not been functioning right and I just saw your comment. No I don't have any information about that, but would be interested in knowing about it myself....I have studied EID in the past, and although it is different from our strategy, I would love to learn more.
David Parish

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