The Purpose of WME

WME's mission is to obey the following words of Jesus Christ:

"And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

(Matthew 28:18-20, English Standard Version)

WME's vision is to see the fulfillment of the following words of Jesus Christ:

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."

(Matthew 24:14, ESV)

WME's goal is to facilitate church planting movements worldwide with special emphasis in Latin America and among an unreached people group in the Far East. Specifically our goal is to plant 100,000 reproducing churches and reach the assigned people group by the year 2030. Such a goal might seem outlandish and even arrogant, if it were not understood that:
1. WME does not think it will do this alone, but with strategic partnerships with other agencies, networks, churches and leaders.
2. WME acknowledges that this can only be done by the power of God, Who actually
gives increase.
3. WME has sought the counsel of outside leaders, one of which has actually seen the planting of 100,000 churches in the last 18 years.

To help initiate reproducing church planting movements around the world with special emphasis on Latin America, WME is specifically targeting four geographical levels:
Level 1: Honduran Church Planting Movements
Level 2: Central American Church Planting Movements
Level 3: Latin American Church Planting Movements
Level 4: Worldwide Church Planting Movements

Tactical Plans:
1. Serving: WME is focused on serving God and unreached people by launching
initiatives and projects. Our first project is in Honduras.
2. Sending: WME desires to train and send Latin American and other missionaries to
unreached cultures with the goal of launching new CPM initiatives.
3. Seeding: WME strives to be a resource to help train those interested in applying CPM
principles to their own or other cultures.

Current Projects:
Honduran Church Planting Movement Project:
From our base in the Department of Copan in Honduras, our team of church planters is
implementing CPM outraches in numerous communities.
Project B:
A specific unreached people group has been targeted and researched. The team is being
trained and formed for a targeted outreach to this Indonesian tribe.


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