Missions in Turbulent Times

I just returned, a week ago, from a powerful conference on church planting movements around the world. David Watson was the main speaker and case studies and presentations were given from several others as well. At least 18 mission agencies were represented, including WME. You can check out that conference at churchplantingroundtable.com.

The agencies represented are fully committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and His mission of completing the great commission. It was a great privilege to be a part of this meeting.

At the same time, our world seems to be going through very turbulent times. Worldwide economies are causing people to wonder what is ahead. So here we are in a time of unequaled challenge (the global crises that face us all) and unequaled opportunity (the prospect of seeing church planting movements multiply worldwide helping to bring closure on the great commission). Here is a scripture that I think should be in our minds at this moment in history.

Ecclesiastes 11:4-"He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap."

Our nation and our world are certainly facing winds and clouds of adversity. Yet God's people must move forward boldly now and continue to sow and reap for the advance of the Gospel.
By sowing and reaping I am referring to the activities that relate to Gospel advance. Specifically I am referring to prayer, obedience to the Word of God, giving to missions, and moving forward with missional and cpm initiatives that will see multiplication of disciples and churches worldwide. We must obey in spite of and in the face of the winds and clouds that would try to intimidate us. In light of that, here are a few observations that I wish every believer would internalize in these times.

1. Turbulent times come, even when we are obeying God. Check out Mark 4: 36-41. Jesus commanded the disciples to cross the lake, but the storm came anyway.
2. Jesus has power over wind and wave! In spite of the storm, they made it and accomplished their purpose. Jesus does not REGARD wind and cloud...He MASTERS them!
3. Jesus can cause his purpose to prevail, either by stopping the wind and wave, or (Matthew 14: 22-33) by walking over it!
4. Your results depend on what you REGARD. (Ecclesiastes 11:4; Matthew 14:30)
5. Here are three suggestions on how to go forward in turbulent times:
#1 Observe the Word, not the Wind! (Joshua 1:8)
#2 Obey the Lord, and continue to sow!
#3 Rely on God's Word and Spirit and reap in spite of the clouds!

The day of the harvest is upon us. Don't fear the circumstances, just trust and obey.


DougH said…
Great article Bro. David. I'm glad the strategic missions confernce went well.

Bro. Doug
DougH said…
Great article. I don't know how many of these messages you received I keep getting error messages. I hope you got at least one of them. This is my last attempt.

Bro. Doug

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