Missions in Turbulent Times
I just returned, a week ago, from a powerful conference on church planting movements around the world. David Watson was the main speaker and case studies and presentations were given from several others as well. At least 18 mission agencies were represented, including WME . You can check out that conference at churchplantingroundtable .com. The agencies represented are fully committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and His mission of completing the great commission. It was a great privilege to be a part of this meeting. At the same time, our world seems to be going through very turbulent times. Worldwide economies are causing people to wonder what is ahead. So here we are in a time of unequaled challenge (the global crises that face us all) and unequaled opportunity (the prospect of seeing church planting movements multiply worldwide helping to bring closure on the great commission). Here is a scripture that I think should be in our minds at this moment in history. Ecclesiastes 11:4-...