
The Latest Field Reports from the INSTAR Disciple Making Movement Project: World Impact!

We have just received the First Quarter Reports from the INSTAR Project in Central America based in Honduras.  God is so Good and we are Praising Him with this Post and Giving all Glory to Our Precious Lord.  Here is what God has done through the faithful work of the leaders in Honduras:  Between January and March, 2022  lots of progress has been made.  Just look at this: 803 New Discovery Bible Groups and Churches 3,075 people that began the process of being Discipled in the Groups. 3,109 people that made professions of faith in Christ (New Converts) 3,063 people that followed the Lord in Water Baptism. That means that our average was 34 Conversions and Baptisms PER DAY between January and March!  Glory to the Lord of the Harvest that is bringing people into the Kingdom of God and of His Christ! Altogether since the project started in 2008 we have seen at least 92,000 plus people involved in the new groups and churches.  We have seen over 76,000 peopl...

Sustainable Disciple Making Movements Part 2: Launching

 In our previous blog about Sustainable Movements, I shared the Big Picture of the concept: 3 Stages or Areas of Focus for Sustainable DMMs 1. Launching a Movement:  Foundation 2. Multiplying a Movement: Momentum 3. Sustaining a Movement: Structure So today I want to focus on the first area: Launching One of the best training organizations in the DMM strategy that I know is Contagious Disciple Making or CDM led by my friend and one of my mentors in DMM, Paul Watson.  Their training is done in an online and coaching format and I encourage any of my readers to download the CDM App and listen to their podcasts and if you have a real desire to understand DMM, become a part of their training program.  I love their approach to training people in the strategy and tactics of Disciple Making Movements for 2 reasons: 1.  It is a comprehensive approach.  They give the big picture of DMM and help people who are going to be strategic leaders of movements to understand t...

The Numbers that Matter

Dear Friend and Partner of WME and the INSTAR Project, Thanks for all you do in continuing to give and pray for the INSTAR Disciple Making Movement project in Latin America and Beyond.  WME has Missionaries and Teams that are focused on seeing Disciple Making Movements happen in Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Africa, and in the United States among Native Americans, Muslim Peoples, and the general population. By God's abundant Grace, we have seen an amazing Harvest over the last several years.  Beginning in 2008 with a small team of just 13 Honduran leaders and 2 Missionary families, a movement has been birthed that has touched approximately 100,000 people in many nations.  We believe over 70,000 people have come to faith in Christ and been Baptized and thousands of churches have been planted.  Nearly 4,000 Discovery Groups and Churches were planted Last Year Alone!  At the deepest point, the movement is 34 Generations deep (Groups and churches th...

Sustainable Disciple Making Movements Part One

 It's been quite a while since I wrote a blog article about the Disciple Making Movement Strategy.  In the beginning of our work in Honduras and Latin America, I regularly wrote blogs about the Movement strategy and principles that the team in Honduras was applying. (If you go back to the years 2008 through about 2012 in the archive of this blog, you will find a lot of that).  More recently, I have used this blog to share about the advance of the movement in Central America and South America that has resulted from this strategy.  I have also been highlighting the new DMM teams that we have formed at WME that are focusing on the Caribbean, Native American Tribes, and other regions as we are turning our attention to bringing the Disciple Making Movement strategy to bear on the remaining Unreached and Unengaged People groups in the world, especially in the Western Hemisphere. At this point, WME has 6 or 7 discernible teams that are focused on finishing the Great Commiss...

Looking Back at 2021 and Forward into 2022!

I want to wish all our supporters, those who pray and also those that give, a very Happy New Year as we start the Year 2022.  At WME we are calling this year the Year of Psalm 103....A Year of Trusting God for His Favor and Mercy and Grace!  The last couple of years have been very hard years in this world, but in spite of all that, the Work of the Great Commission has been continuing to advance.  First let's look back to see what we can report for the year 2021. Between October and December, 2021, the 4th Quarter of the year, much progress was made.  Just look at this: 784 New Discovery Bible Groups and Churches 3,266 people that began the process of being Discipled in the Groups. 2,935 people that made professions of faith in Christ (New Converts) 2,900 people that followed the Lord in Water Baptism. And the Movement grew to 34 Generations!!!! Now let's look at the Total Increase in Groups and Churches, Conversions, and Baptisms for the Year 2021.  By the way, ...

Great Reports from the INSTAR Project!

 November is the month of Thanksgiving!  And we have so many things to Give Glory and Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ this month.  We have just finished receiving and processing the field reports from the Honduras part of the project that we call INSTAR.  This is a Disciple Making Movement Project that is training and coaching people to be devoted followers of Jesus Christ, and to make disciples to Jesus, that make disciples that make disciples!   Between July and September, 2021 lots of progress has been made.  Just look at this: 778 New Discovery Bible Groups and Churches 3,153 people that began the process of being Discipled in the Groups. 3,117 people that made professions of faith in Christ (New Converts) 3,074 people that followed the Lord in Water Baptism. That means that our average was 34 Conversions and Baptisms PER DAY between July and September!  Glory to the Lord of the Harvest that is bringing people into the Kingdom of God and of His Chr...

Continuing to Seize Moments and Opportunities in 2021

 WME's Theme for this year has been, " The Year of Seizing the Moment!" And that is just what we have been doing!  God has been giving us moments to Seize for training, mentoring and coaching of disciple makers and trainers and visionaries for Kingdom of God Advance! Now that we are in the last third of this year, we can look back and see the moments that God has given.  The work in the main project in Honduras has continued to advance, even in the midst of challenges that this Covid plagued world has handed to us.  People continue to be trained and groups continue to be started.  Disciples continue to obey Christ and thousands continue to make commitments to Christ and be baptized.  This year, it seems that any momentum that was slowed during 2020 has come back up and that multiplication is getting back toward Pre Covid levels!   Not without hardships.  Our team recently sent 3 trainers into a specific Jungle region where we had not trained befor...