Amazing Multiplication and New Doors to Train Leaders

Dear Friends

2017 is a year when God is blessing the work of World Missions and Evangelism.  Actually that is not it.  It is God's work.  God is multiplying His Kingdom on the earth and WME is privileged to join Him in what He is doing......God is Blessing the Work of His Kingdom.  We are so grateful that He would allow us to be a part of it!  And you are a part of it as well, with your prayer and financial support.

Here is a quick report of what is happening:

The INSTAR project is the project that is facilitating the multiplication of disciples, groups and churches in Greater Latin America.  This project was conceived in 2006 and launched in 2008.  In the first quarter of this year on average, 17.6 people were becoming believers and 17.5 people were being baptized in water in this project EACH DAY!  Over 500 groups and churches were birthed between January 1 and March 31!  The movement is now 15 generations deep!

Today we count 5,485 groups and churches as having been planted through the work of INSTAR!
Glory to the Lord of the Harvest!

The SEASTAR project is the Disciple Making Movement project that is focused on South East Asia.  Training has begun in a Muslim country that has never had DMM training before.  We are excited as the WME missionaries there are cultivating relationships and beginning training with leaders that will be focusing on several Unreached and even Unengaged People Groups.

Back to INSTAR for a moment.  Please Pray for several open doors to train new leaders that have opened recently.  The Honduran team has been conducting several small trainings this year.  In June and July WME Missionaries and team members will be conducting trainings or traveling to mentor leaders and new believers in Barbados,Guatemala, Ecuador, and a full time team preparing to deploy to Colombia.

It is an exciting time of both Sowing and Reaping!  We sow the gospel by training disciples to make disciples.  We reap the Harvest as those disciples do the work of Christ and new believers are born into the Kingdom of God.

Please continue to join in Partnership together with WME by Prayer and Giving.  We are living in the days of the fulfillment of the word of Jesus: This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all Peoples, and then the end will come!


David Parish


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