Past, Present and Future! Where the Movement In Latin America is Going!

In 2008, World Missions and Evangelism missionaries began to train indigenous Christian workers in the strategy of Disciple making Movements in Honduras.  By the end of the year there were about 25 first generation Discovery Bible Studies in Honduras.  Since then God has been doing amazing things, not only in Honduras, but also in other nations of Latin America.  Our missionaries and leaders have trained people in and/or from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, and the United States in addition to Honduras.  At least 50 denominations or church networks have started groups or churches  through the training.  Thousands have made commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and thousands have been baptized in water as new believers!  That's the Past.....

.....Here's the Present.
Here are the current statistics of the INSTAR Project as we currently recon them:
Total Groups and Churches: 2,810
Total attendance : 18,841
Total new believers: 11,345
Total Baptisms: 9,331
4th Quarter results (Oct. -Dec. 2015)
New Attendees: 2,785
New believers: 1,519
New baptisms: 1,114
New Groups: 423
Groups and Churches by Generation
1st Gen. 534
2nd Gen. 318
3rd. Gen. 368
4th Gen. 314
5th Gen. 290
6th Gen. 238
7th Gen. 277
8th Gen. 187
9th Gen. 159
10th Gen. 95
11th Gen. 30
Total increase in 2015
Attendance: 8,497
Believers: 5,751
Baptisms: 4,596
Groups/Churches: 1,566
Averages per day in 2015
New Believers : 15
Baptisms: 12
New Groups: 4

We give God all the Glory for this is His work!!!

And Now, what about the Future?
Here is a look at the future open doors that we are seeing God give for this year and beyond:

Honduras:  Continued growth and movement.  IN HONDURAS we are seeing the greatest multiplication since this is where the INSTAR project began and our primary team is based there.  This month of March will see Randy Travis, our Training Coordinator, and Keith Travis, our Strategy Coordinator, conduct a Level 2 Advanced training event in Honduras with some of the leaders that are seeing the greatest impact.  Keith will be focusing on mentoring our leaders in a greater way this year and beyond.  Continue to pray for this harvest to continue and increase!

Puerto Rico and Ecuador:  WME missionary Julio Rodriguez will continue to focus on Ecuador where several groups have started and will be traveling to Puerto Rico in April to help mentor the beginning of work in that region with impact beyond. 

Nicaragua:  We are currently connected with potential open doors into Nicaragua in 3 different ways!  In 1 area workers have already been trained and groups are already happening!  We believe that Nicaragua is a great open door!

Guatemala:  There have already been training events in Guatemala.  There are open doors for further training.  I'm really excited to know the new WME partnering ministry known as the Promise House (a wonderful ministry to unwed teen mothers) have begun to use the Discovery Bible Studies in discipling the young ladies that are receiving ministry there!

Argentina:  WME will be conducting another training in Argentina this year and we are excited about the amazing open door for Kingdom expansion here!  Through the ministry of Damian Praniuk and his family, the door had opened for a key training base in this country....and connections to both plant groups and churches in the general population and with the Wichi people group.  

Training Videos:  WME is also in the process of preparing Disciple Making Movement Training Videos in Spanish so that the training can be facilitated in a wider fashion throughout Latin America.  1 version of the videos are completed and another version will be in preparation in the next few months!

Translations of the Audio DBS:  Also translations of our audio discovery studies which are used on the Megavoice devices in Spanish, are being prepared in several languages.  This process will take the majority of this year, and we are hoping will be completed this year.  The Languages that we are working on at this time are :  Portuguese, English, French, and the Wichi tribal language.  

Your Giving and Prayers are enabling this work to go on.  When we think about the thousands of people who have become followers of Christ in the last year, and then think of what we are asking God to do in a much greater way this year, it causes us to praise God and give Him all the Glory, and then to ASK LARGELY to the one who is more than ABLE to bring the greatest HARVEST, beyond our very imagination!
Thanks for all you do to help make it possible!


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