Almost 2,000!

We have just received the 2nd quarter reports from our INSTAR project in Latin America.  Currently there are discovery groups, house churches, developed churches and other groups that have resulted from this project in Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia, and Argentina, that we are reporting in this 2nd quarter.  Groups from at least 46 denominations or networks are involved in these groups.  The majority of the groups are in Honduras, where the project launched in the field in 2008.

But now we can see that God has birthed a Disciple Making Movement that is touching thousands of lives!  We are thankful for the amazing things that are happening. This year our team had a goal to reach 2,000 groups by the end of the God's grace this has almost happened by the end of the 2nd Quarter!  So here are the current official statistics of this movement at the end of the 2nd Quarter, 2015.

Total number of Groups:  1,978
Total number of Discovery Groups with Pre Christians:  626
Total number of Churches, House Churches, or Groups with Believers: 1,352
Total number of People that are involved in this movement:  14,434
(Actually the number of People is higher, but some of the groups have not reported internal numbers)

In the last 3 months (April through June)
2,264 new people have been incorporated in Discovery studies
1,250 people have made commitments to follow Jesus Christ as Savior.
1,016 people have followed Jesus in obedience and been baptized in water.
Total increase in number of Groups in this quarter:  417

That means that on average:
25 people per day are joining discovery groups and beginning the discipling process!
13 people per day are accepting Christ as Savior!
11 people per day are being baptized!
4.5 groups are starting daily!

There are now 9 generations of DBS and church groups.  That means that our team planted a group/church that planted a group that planted a group that planted a group that planted a group that planted a group that planted a group that planted a group that planted a group!
Here are the numbers of churches/groups in each of the 9 generations:

1st Generation 434
2nd Generation 253
3rd Generation 304
4th Generation 214
5th Generation 241
6th Generation 220
7th Generation 186
8th Generation 98
9th Generation 28

We report this giving Glory and Honor to the Lord of the Harvest.  Truly this is God's Work, not WME's work.  WME is helping to train and mentor leaders.  Training and discipling resources are being given, and leaders are raised up.  A faithful group of Honduran leaders are working constantly, going to new areas, even risking their lives in dangerous areas to find people of peace and begin new groups, and mentor the people in the groups and new emerging leaders.  In other words, WME, and its partnering leaders and churches (from many different groups) are working, and planting the seed.  But the Lord of the Harvest is doing the work of drawing, enlightening, and transforming lives.  He is opening every door and providing all the resources.

Those of you that are prayer partners and givers to this ministry, are also a key part of what is happening.  Without the support that comes From God Through You this movement would not have been birthed.  Thanks so much for sowing prayer seeds and financial seeds, allowing the workers in Latin America to sow the Eternal, Incorruptible Seed of the Word of God!

To God be the Glory forever!  Soli Deo Gloria!


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