What's Happening with World Missions and Evangelism?



Randy and Linda Travis: Randy and Linda Travis have been missionaries in Latin America since 1982. During their first 6 years in Honduras they pioneered a church in the department of Olancho. From this church, came a network of churches. By 2006 there were about 25 churches in Honduras as a part of this network. In addition, Randy pioneered the gospel with the Pech Indian tribe.

The Travis family became affiliated with W.M.E. in 1988 and were W.M.E.'s first missionaries. Soon afterward they relocated to Chiapas, Mexico and spent a number of years in evangelism and ministry in the indigenous church there. Also during their ministry, Randy taught missions at the Omega Missions Training Center in Alabama.
In 2006, Randy met David Watson and had the vision to see a new church planting movement emerge in Honduras. Randy and Linda along with their son and daughter-in-law, Keith and Juanita, moved back to Honduras in 2007 and began to lay the groundwork for a Church Planting Movement Project. The initial Honduran team was recruited from the original churches randy had planted years before. The project began in 2008. As of December 2014 there were 1,244 groups and churches as a result of this project.

A Message From Down Under:
Jason Staggers

Several months ago, a young couple in their early 20's, Mitch and Ange, showed up at our church. They live in the area and found our church after deciding they wanted to grow spiritually and make some better friends. Ange spent some time in a church years ago but was never baptised. Mitch had only visited a church once before, but left feeling very condemned.

I was preaching the morning they visited and noticed them listening intently, so I went to talk to them after our service ended. They both seemed to be deeply moved by the whole experience, so I asked Mitch if he wanted to catch up for a coffee. We met on Tuesday and I learned more about their past. He shared with me his desire to learn more about God. He had started that week reading through Genesis but knew nothing about the New Testament. I gave him a foundational Bible study book to read and said that we would catch up again the next week to discuss it.

When I saw him the following Sunday, I asked him how his reading was going. His reply was beautifully simple yet profound: "I thought this was all about getting to know God better, which I was excited about. Then I read about this person Jesus who sacrificed his life for me so that I could have a relationship with God. I'm amazed that anyone would do that for another person."

After speaking more to both Mitch and Ange, it was clear that they were ready to make a commitment to follow Jesus. We all prayed there together and they each confessed their belief in Christ's resurrection and their trust in Him alone for salvation.

I met with both of them the following week and I was overjoyed to see the fruit of repentance in their lives. Although they had two young children they were not yet married. Convicted about this, they set a wedding date and asked me to officiate. Mitch began sleeping on the couch in preparation for their new life together.

We baptized them the next week and then a few months later, I officiated their wedding. They are growing stronger in faith every day, and now teaching their children about Jesus.

Please pray for Mitch and Ange, that God would continue to reveal Himself and His truth to them. Pray also that the Holy Spirit will empower them to be bold witnesses to their friends and neighbors.

Thank you so much for empowering us through your partnership to be here in Australia. Together, God is using us to change the course and direction of entire families and to grow God's amazing Kingdom Down Under.

Pakistan Operation Saved Totally!
Featured Project
This is Aamir Riaz and God connected his life to mine in 2012. Aamir is an evangelist and he holds onto the ministry of the apostle Paul as as example of his own spreading of the Gospel to all parts of Pakistan, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.). His ministry in all four provinces of Pakistan is called "StreetsEvangelism", and he is assisted by five other pastors and leaders. Since June of 2014 we have started home churches due to the prevalent persecution of the Church and Body of Christ throughout Pakistan. This is growing well and the people feel safer in this atmosphere.


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