What is World Missions and Evangelism?

World Missions and Evangelism is focused on equipping and enabling people worldwide to make disciples and multiply movements to Christ.  While focusing on Disciple making Movement strategy and Church Multiplication, WME and our affiliated missionaries and official projects engage in a number of key ministries that impact the lives of children, youth, and adults.  Here are some of the projects and ministries that make up World Missions and Evangelism, Inc.


1. CITY OF CHILDREN PROJECT:  Coordinator Michelle Garland leads this partnership with an orphanage in Guatemala.  “The City of Children” in Villa Nueva, Guatemala, about 30-45 minutes from Guatemala City. It is an orphanage of about 250 children ages 0-18 with backgrounds from everything imaginable. The one thing each of these kids have in common is they LOVE to be loved.

2.  HEALING PROJECTS:  Led by Dawn Choate, Healing Projects is impacting lives in Guatemala and China. As Healing Projects, we will focus on 5 main arms that all come together to showcase projects and ministries dedicated to holistic healing for vulnerable women, children or orphans, and impoverished communities. Healing Hannah, Healing Orphans, Healing Hands, Healing Hearts, & Healing Homes will focus on different aspects of the same purpose, to bring the fullness of God’s healing to those who need it most.

3.  Candace Espinoza: Children and orphan care in Costa Rica. “We desire to aid the local and surrounding communities by the construction of three homes for children at risk, a daycare, offices for professional consultations, and a multi-purpose building where special activities will be organized for youth and their families with the objective of helping them spiritually, physically, and emotionally.”

4.  Richard and Pat Crowder: Child evangelism in Honduras and Latin America.  Richard and Pat engage in direct evangelism and in training leaders.   ”Pat and I see a great need for ministry to children on their level.  We teach Bible truths through the use of puppets, visual scriptures, stories and games.  These use not only a child’s eyes and ears but also their energy.   Experts agree that people (including children) remember 90% of what they see, hear and touch. (interact with)  We remember 5-10% of what we hear.  (no interaction)   Our desire is to plant God’s word in their hearts to grow with them as they mature.  We know the need in Latin America.  Our emphasis is on Honduras but we work in Mexico and Guatemala as well.”

5.  Michael Goodnight:  Working with Child Evangelism and care in Mozambique. “Every child should have the ability to hope, to dream. Many do not. Too many children live with the harsh reality of poverty, hunger, lack of education, parental loss, AIDS, war and death. These children cannot see beyond the struggle of each day, much less dream. The Dream Project is working with one child at a time to restore Dreams to those who have no hope.”

6. Julie UlianoJulia Uliano is a Physician Assistant and Ordained Minister with a passion for helping children in need around the world. Her work began in Calcutta, India, in 1998, when she opened the “Calcutta Hope Home” to provide safe refuge for destitute children. In Brazil in 2000, Julie established a ministry for street children and founded “For the Children International.” Currently in Mozambique, Africa, Julie is ministering with Co-Founder Michael Goodnight through “The Dream Project” to provide care, housing and education for children orphaned by the AIDS epidemic.

7.  Paul and Donna Tocco:  Serving in Kenya.  Ministering to needy Children as well as training pastors and leaders for Kingdom expansion.   Paul and Donna Tocco, founders of Word Ablaze Ministries, have been missionaries to Kenya for 20 years and have been World Missions and Evangelism  affiliate missionaries for more than 10 years.Originally from Pennsylvania, U.S.A., the Tocco family moved to Kenya with their two children, Ashley and Jason in 1993 and later adopted Josiah in 2001, who presently lives with them.

8.  Todd and Noemia Watson: Noemi and I along with our son Daniel live and work in Mozambique.  Mozambique is in Southern Africa bordering 6 countries and the Indian Ocean.  The country has about 23 Million people and the official language is Portuguese. We work in the community with children and families to help them and show them God’s love.  We believe that God’s love will change their lives and restore them to who He made them to be. We help to provide clean water sources, school supplies, food and mentor youth in the community.”
9. Purpose Driven Kids:  Led by Jose Bonilla, the PDK project provides educational assistance for children in Colombia and Honduras.

10. Moro Moro Project:  An educational project to equip college students in Bolivia.

1.  THE LATIN AMERICAN DISCIPLE MAKING MOVEMENT PROJECT (FORMERLY THE HONDURAN CHURCH PLANTING MOVEMENT PROJECT):  THE FLAGSHIP CPM PROJECT OF WME: Our team in Honduras is headed up by a veteran missionary who himself grew up on the mission fields of Belize, Panama, and Mexico. Since 1982, he and his wife have served as missionaries in Mexico and Honduras. Together, they have helped to train, mentor, and oversee a group of Hondurans who have answered the call to go forth and make disciples.  Beginning on the ground in Honduras in 2008, there are now churches or discovery groups in 391 locations in Honduras and Colombia, with leaders trained in El Salvador and Guatemala.  This project is led by Strategy Coordinators Randy and Linda Travis and Keith and Juanita Travis.
Randy and Linda serve as the strategy coordinators for the Latin America Church Planting Movement. The project began in 2008. As of July, 2013 there were 276 churches or meetings of believers and 115 other Bible studies as a result of this project. Keith and Juanita work with the Honduras Church Planting Movement. Keith has served as assistant strategy coordinator throughout the process.

2.  THE SOUTHERN AFRICA DISCIPLE MAKING MOVEMENT PROJECT:  Led by partner David Broodryk, the Southern Africa DMM project focuses on 14 nations of the Southern continent of Africa and the Indian Ocean.  Since 2009, 1996 groups and churches have been multiplied and the work continues to expand exponentially!

3.  Michael and Heather Walker and the Botswana DMM project: Veteran missionaries to Africa, the Walkers have begun using DMM strategy and the Megavoice machines to begin discovery groups.  At least 35 groups have begun this year since the launch of the strategy!


4.  The Indonesia Project:  Troy and Tracy Allen (Pseudonyms for security purposes) are focused on Unreached Muslim People groups in the Indonesia region.  They are recently deployed and beginning to lay the foundation for new Disciple Making Movements.

5.  The Starfish Project:  Focused on discipling women rescued from the brothels in Bejing China.   Longstanding WME Missionary who's name cannot be revealed serves in this project.

6.  Rick and Aida Gunn:  Serving in the Philippines.  Rick and Aida both have a genuine desire to preach the gospel to the poor and heal the broken-hearted. In 2003, the Holy Spirit directed them to start missions in remote areas of the Philippines. They live and work among the people they serve and are connected with the tribal peoples of Luzon. Aida is a native of Central Luzon and shares the gospel with Rick in remote regions.

7.  Phil Tappert:  Disciplemaking with International College Students in France.  Hundreds of Students have come to know Christ and then returned to many nations to influence for the Kingdom of God.

8.  Sid and Kathy Luke: Sid and Kathi Luke have been ministering to Chile and Mexico for over 30 years. They have done all kinds of evangelistic ministries including street evangelism, church planting, leadership training, radio ministry, along with earthquake and tsunami relief.

9.  Jason and Olivia Staggers: Jason and Olivia have just moved to Australia to minister. They’ll be partnering with North Gate Christian Church (a member of Australian Christian Churches) to reach out to and serve the Albury-Wodonga community.  

10. Larry and Barbara Hardin:  In January 1998, the Hardins travelled to Kenya to begin their work in Njoro Bible College, where they served as teachers and administrators. The Hardins have continued to serve in biblical training and education.

These 20 missionaries and/or projects serve to illustrate what World Missions and Evangelism is.  Through all the affiliated missionaries, children's and educational projects, and evangelistic and disciplemaking/church planting movement projects, WME seeks to help bring closure to the great commission through reaching, teaching, equipping and releasing for ministry people who will continue to replicate themselves in making new disciples.  


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