What is World Missions and Evangelism?
World Missions and Evangelism is focused on equipping and enabling people worldwide to make disciples and multiply movements to Christ. While focusing on Disciple making Movement strategy and Church Multiplication, WME and our affiliated missionaries and official projects engage in a number of key ministries that impact the lives of children, youth, and adults. Here are some of the projects and ministries that make up World Missions and Evangelism, Inc. CHILDREN'S MINISTRY, EDUCATION, AND ORPHAN CARE: 1. CITY OF CHILDREN PROJECT: Coordinator Michelle Garland leads this partnership with an orphanage in Guatemala. “The City of Children” in Villa Nueva, Guatemala, about 30-45 minutes from Guatemala City. It is an orphanage of about 250 children ages 0-18 with backgrounds from everything imaginable. The one thing each of these kids have in common is they LOVE to be loved. 2. HEALING PROJECTS: Led by Dawn Choate, Healing Projects is impacting ...