Through the Open Doors!

"I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name."  Revelation 3:8

 We have declared this year, 2013, to be the year of "Simple Obedience, New Fields, and New Open Doors for World Missions and Evangelism.  When we look at the words of Jesus to the church of Philadelphia, in Revelation 3:8, we realize that it is God's job to open the doors.  But if God opens the doors, then it is our job to go through the doors!  (The scripture does not contain a promise that God will drag us through!)   So God opens the door, and no one can shut it while He holds it open, but during that time...that window of opportunity, we must go through. 

And that is what we are planning to do this year.  God has opened several doors and the WME team is moving quickly to go through into new harvest fields!

 Door Number 1:  Guatemala.
 In February, part of our Honduran team is planning on crossing the border from Honduras into Guatemala where we have been invited to do our first Church Planting Movement training in that country.  Although some Discovery studies have already been started there, this is the first specific training and equipping event there.

 Door Number 2:  El Salvador
In March, myself, Randy and Keith Travis,  possibly some other guests from the US and our Honduran training team, will be traveling into El Salvador to conduct our first CPM training event in this nation.

  Door Number 3:  Tegucigalpa and South Central Honduras
In April, the Travises and I will be returning to the Tegus area to join the Honduran team in a major training event.  Richard and Pat Crowder will also be joining us, along with several others from the US.  A Children's workers training will happen along with what we think will be our largest ever CPM training.  The goal is to not only impact the Tegus area, but also to equip potential church planters in south Central Honduras.

 Door Number 4:  Botswana
WME missionaries Michael and Heather Walker have now received the megavoice equipment that WME has provided and are busy preparing DBS lessons for several unreached peoples in Botswana in Southern Africa.  This new move forward will be launched this year.

 Door Number 5:  Indonesia region
WME missionaries (Troy Allen and wife) will be deploying to this region in less than a month from this writing.  They will focus on Disciplemaking and CPM work with 8 or 9 unreached people groups there.  For security purposes we do not disclose their real names or exact location online.  

We stand poised to move through these doors.  The Honduran team just finished training 50 new potential church planters in Palacios, Honduras.  This town is the gateway to the Gracias A Dios Department, also called La Mosquitia.  This is the first time that people have been trained and equipped by WME in this region, the most remote of the whole country.  6 different denominations/networks were represented in this training event. Now please join us in prayer that those who were trained will go through the new doors God is opening in that region.  Pray that they will find people of peace, begin Discovery Bible Studies, disciple people to conversion, and plant new multiplying churches!  

And pray for the same result from all the new open doors!


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