Attack, Counter Attack: The Nature of Spiritual Warfare

The Spiritual world is as real as the Physical world.  This is the clear testimony of Scripture.  When Elisha was surrounded by a physical army, he prayed that his servant's eyes would be opened to see the spiritual forces that fought on their side. (II Kings 6:15-17).  When Jesus was approached by a raving madman, he addressed demon spirits instead of the human being, and drove them away, which healed the man. (Mark 5: 1-20).  Both of these incidents are examples of Spiritual Warfare and the reality of the Spirit world.  According to historians, the early church advanced exponentially in the first 300 years of its history, through miraculous power encounters and numerous exorcisms.  The "gods" of the Greco-Roman world would speak through demonized people and ordinary Christians would dominate them, humiliate them and cast them out in the name of One Who really was God: Jesus Christ.

I have been reflecting on the last 25 years of Church History.  In 1989 the Manila conference of the Lausanne organization met and the major emphasis seemed to be on the supernatural aspect of the advance of the Kingdom of God.  Focus was especially on the work of the Holy Spirit, Intercession, and Spiritual Warfare. One result was a new emphasis on Intercession and Spiritual Warfare and this became a big part of the A. D. 2000 and Beyond movement.  The 1990's saw an explosion of intercession, and new kinds of Spiritual Warfare, including deliverance and Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare.  There were Praise and Prayer Walks, and many books written on the subject.  The church did advance in the 1990's and Power Ministries and new focuses on the Supernatural rose to the fore.  The great commission was not completed in the 1990's but advance was made.  On other fronts, there were the emergence of new movements, that became known as "Church Planting Movements", "Church Multiplication Movements", and now, "Disciple Making Movements".   By some estimates, these movements have resulted in nearly 250,000 new churches and Multiplied Millions of new disciples of Jesus Christ since the early 90's.  There has been no doubt that the Kingdom of God is advancing.  In terms of Spiritual Warfare, the Kingdom has been on the Attack!

But from my point of view, the forces of the enemy have been launching Counter Attacks in increasing numbers.  This is just a personal impression, but it seems to me that from at least the year 2000, the level of Warfare attacks against Christians, the Church, and the Kingdom of God and its values, has increased exponentially.  I think that 9/11 and the ensuing worldwide Radical Islamic Terrorism War is one form of major pushback.  The moral values battles in our nation and the seeming total erosion of Biblical Values in the American Public sector are signs of major counter-attack.  Financial setbacks for believers and ministries have been another attack of the enemy.  Division and confusion in churches and among believers is evidence of spiritual warfare.  And in just the last few months, several leaders in the CPM/DMM world that I know, have been having major sicknesses and physical attacks.  I, myself, have recently been battling physical problems, and other leaders in our Honduras project have been attacked in this way. 

The answer, of course, is not retreat.  It is prayer and obedience.  The Victory belongs to us, and the Kingdom of God will overcome.  There is only 1 way forward:   Revelation 12:11-

"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death."

We must continue to move forward in obedience to the Word, and with increasing prayer cover, and standing firmly on the redeeming work of Christ on the Cross, we speak the truth of the Word and determine to go forward, even if it costs our lives!  Here is the strategy of victory.

Spiritual Warfare is not a game.  It is not a "Fad".  If we approach it that way we will be liable to become victims needlessly.  But as the Kingdom of God goes forward, we must be prepared for warfare and not be shocked when it comes. (1 Peter 4:12)   We must not be afraid or discouraged, but rather clinging to our relationship with God, immersing ourselves in the Word and obedience, staying full of the Holy Spirit, and increasing our prayer lives.....we go forward boldly.   The days ahead will see warfare like never before.  But make no mistake, the Great Commission will be fulfilled.  (Matt. 24:14).   Any price needed to see that happen is small indeed compared to the reward!


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