
Showing posts from May, 2012

Busy Summer

Exciting things continue to happen with the ministry of World Missions and Evangelism.  We are entering into the time of "Busy Summer".  Each summer time (May-August) for the last few years have been times of key travels and meetings in helping the Latin American Disciple Making Movement and other aspects of WME ministry to move forward.  This summer has already started out the same, and promises to be a time of many contacts, meetings, and trainings.  Please pray for us as we travel and make connections this season.  Pray that through all we do and all we meet and all we learn, that the Kingdom of God will advance around the world. The Travis families, our strategy coordinators for the Latin American project (previously the Honduras CPM project, but as open doors are now exploding we are beginning to call it the Latin American Project),are in the US and are involved in preaching and making new contacts for the support of the work.  Also, this month, our ...

Open Doors

"I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me." Revelation 3:8 WME is in a season of Open Doors.  Recently, a number of invitations to train leaders has come to WME and in other cases, new relationships and connections are creating the potential for future trainings in Church Planting Movement Strategy and Disciple Making Movements.  Here is a list of places where WME may have opportunities for training in the coming couple of years: Latin America: Mexico Guatemala Honduras (new regions where we are as of yet not at work) El Salvador Costa Rica Colombia (with possible impact into Brazil) Cuba Asia: Kazakhstan India (with possible impact into Afghanistan) Africa: Botswana WME's primary project is currently in Honduras.  We estimate that there are new churches or Discovery Bible Studies in over 380 locations.  These possible new countries t...

Revival Sparks Missions

Last year I wrote a blog on "Revival and Missions".  In it I discussed the relationship between the 2 and discussed the need that we have for both.  In this post, I want to share some ideas about how Revival of the Church leads to new thrusts in Missions and how that is really the purpose of Revival in the first place.  Most books and teachings on Revival discuss the spiritual nature of Revival and focus on the purpose of God in Reviving His Church.  But as I have been reflecting on the History of Missions and Revivals in the last 200-300 years, I have seen a connection that I had overlooked to some degree.  The thing that has brought this to the forefront of my thinking has been reading a new book called "The Power To Save" by Bob Davey, published by EP Books.  This book which was published in 2011, is a History of the Gospel in China.  I highly recommend it. It is one of the best missions history books I have encountered and it traces the entire ...