Merry Christmas!

I hope that all is well with you and your family this Christmas season. I know this time of year can get hectic. Whether you're stuck in traffic on the way to grandma's house, having the whole family over to your house, or wondering where to start on the kid's extensive Christmas list, try not to forget the reason we celebrate this time of year!
This year while you are in the mindset of giving, do not forget to give to the one who was born for the sins of the world!
He came to this world so that we could know God and have eternal life! His mission is our mission!
Can you give a donation this Christmas to give the best gift to Jesus?
Your gift will help us to minister to the lost in Honduras. You can give online by clicking theMake A Donation button or by check to:
World Missions & EvangelismPO Box 790 Benton, KY 42025
Please Give This Christmas!
David Parish

From Breakthrough to Victory!

This year has been a remarkable year for the Kingdom of God! The theme of this year at W.M.E. has been Moving Forward, but we never imagined how far forward God intended to move us this year!
The Church Planting Movement is growing, multiplying, and THOUSANDS of disciples have been made! In 2011 we have seen our project in Honduras become a full-fledged Church Planting Movement with 159 churches planted this year alone.
2011 was a year of BREAKTHROUGH!

However, many times we confuse breakthrough with the victory. The breakthrough is only the beginning of what God is planning to do in and among the people of Honduras. God freed the Israelites from slavery, parted the Red Sea, provided food and water in the wilderness, until they finally reached the Promised Land. This was the breakthrough they had been waiting for! But because they did not press on to the victory, many never saw what the Lord had already given to them.
2012 must be a year of VICTORY!
"Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, 'Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.'"
Numbers 13:30


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