Year end and Anticipation for 2009

I just returned from Honduras where David and Paul Watson encouraged and taught our church planting team. It was a highlight of the whole project this far. Our team of men and women and our missionaries were instructed and encouraged. I am very excited about what is happening and what is going to happen in 2009.

The team has worked incredibly hard since last May. So far, we have drilled 5 wells and distributed needed vitamins for children and conducted inductive Bible studies in at least 36 villages or communities. This is in the 5 westernmost states of Honduras. The seed is being sown for a church planting movement that will transform the nation of Honduras.

Now it is time for a break at this Christmastime. The team will be traveling to their homes in Eastern Honduras for family time, Keith and Juanita Travis will be traveling to south Mexico to visit her family, Dick and Pat Crowder are driving to the US, and Randy and Linda Travis, our strategy coordinators, will be flying home to the US for a Christmas visit with their families (Randy has not been away from Honduras since January, and has a new grand baby he has never seen!!!). During this time, Randy will come up to KY to work with me on strategy for 2009.

Much good has been done, but as we look forward to 2009 and as we seek to implement new insights and strategic recommendations from David Watson, we are anticipating a move of God that will not only impact Honduras, but also the whole world.

The Whole World??? Yes, the whole world. WME has had a World vision since the beginning in 1988. How can a cpm in Honduras affect the whole world?

Envision it like a rock hitting a pond and see the ripples go out further and further. Think about these ripples:
1. People discipled for Jesus in western Honduras.
2. CPM occuring in western Honduras.
3. CPM spreading throughout the whole nation of Honduras, and spilling over into all Central America.
4. Honduran missionaries trained and deployed around the world to plant new cpm projects.
5. Christian leaders coming to Honduras, experiencing a genuine cpm, and taking it back to their countries and mission agencies to further multiply cpm impact worldwide.
6. Whatever else God does!!!!

Pray with us for the HCPM project in 2009. It will be the greatest year so far.
Keep visiting this blog for more info throughout next year.
Send a tax deductible gift to :
PO Box 790
Benton, KY 42025

Have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year.


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