Authority of Scripture and Obedience

The 2nd critical element of a church planting movement is The Authority of Scripture that leads to Obedience. Remember that these are "critical elements". That means that as far as we know, no CPM is occurring that does not evidence all of these characteristics. These are not "steps" in a plan, nor should they be understood as "strategies". The critical elements are basically "descriptions" of what we are finding where God is at work multiplying His church in a variety of cultures worldwide. These CPMs are (to use David Garrison's definition) "rapid and multiplicative increase of indigenous churches planting churches within a given people group or population segment." When God began to bless His work with this kind of multiplication of churches in the 1990s, the missionary leaders tried to understand what was happening and began describing what was occurring. These descriptions are the critical elements.

So please understand that the 19 critical elements that I listed in the first posting for September are not a step by step plan. In fact they must all be simultaneously present in order for a CPM to occur. The goal, for instance, of our CPM project in Honduras, is to bring the gospel of Christ to needy communities in that country in such a way that we model these elements. How this is done will look very different in different countries and cultures.

This second critical element addresses the issue of authority. The authority for CPM and the authority for the resulting disciples and churches is the Bible. The basic authority is not the missionary or any person. Scripture itself is received as that which it is: the Word of God. Our outreaches and methods must present the Word of God to the people in a way that they have access to it and can begin to read and study it for themselves. In terms of authority, let me be clear that our authority does not ultimately rest with a church, a denomination, a human leader etc. The authority for our work is Scripture. (And of course, ultimately therefore, God Himself).

This second element also introduces the word Obedience. Other critical elements will bring this concept out more fully, but for now it is important to show that Scripture is presented not as merely a document to study and know. It is not mere knowledge of Scripture that is the critical element. It is obedience to Scripture.

In the great commission as recorded in Matthew 28: 19-20 the Lord says, (NIV)
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Notice that he does not say "teaching them my commands" but rather "teaching them to obey".
This approach is called "Obedience based Discipleship" and stands in contrast to what we might call "Knowledge based Discipleship".

As we progress in looking at these critical elements, we will see that they become more and more specific and descriptive, but these first 2 at which we have looked are foundational. The combination of "Extraordinary Prayer and Obedience to Scripture as our Authority" are indispensable to a CPM.

More to come.


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