Sustainable Disciple Making Movements Part 2: Launching
In our previous blog about Sustainable Movements, I shared the Big Picture of the concept: 3 Stages or Areas of Focus for Sustainable DMMs 1. Launching a Movement: Foundation 2. Multiplying a Movement: Momentum 3. Sustaining a Movement: Structure So today I want to focus on the first area: Launching One of the best training organizations in the DMM strategy that I know is Contagious Disciple Making or CDM led by my friend and one of my mentors in DMM, Paul Watson. Their training is done in an online and coaching format and I encourage any of my readers to download the CDM App and listen to their podcasts and if you have a real desire to understand DMM, become a part of their training program. I love their approach to training people in the strategy and tactics of Disciple Making Movements for 2 reasons: 1. It is a comprehensive approach. They give the big picture of DMM and help people who are going to be strategic leaders of movements to understand t...