
Showing posts from May, 2018

The History of the INSTAR project with first quarter 2018 statistics

A history of CPM/DMM in the INSTAR initiative in Latin America and the latest Quarterly Reports from the INSTAR initiative. These reports show continued exponential multiplication! Every 3 months Strategy Coordinator Keith Travis compiles a tracking report of the Disciple Making Movement in Latin America that WME has been facilitating for the last 10 years.   This report is based on Data that is accumulated by the Honduran Catalytic team of leaders that we call the “Vision Team”. These seven men and their wives are giving their lives to see the gospel become available to all people in their nation, and throughout Greater Latin America.   While this report is largely from Honduras, there are also groups and churches in the report from Nicaragua, Guatemala, Ecuador and Argentina.   In addition to Keith, Randy Travis is serving as the Training Coordinator for INSTAR.   Other national leaders and missionaries are focused on South America.   But what doe...