
Showing posts from October, 2012

The Task Remaining In Latin America

How much remains to be done to complete the great commission in Latin America.  I ask this because I realize that most of the "unreached people group" task remains in the region called the 10-40 window and since, according to the Joshua Project, there are more than 7,000 unreached peoples we must focus on finishing the task where it is unfinished.   Our agency has missionaries working in and out of the 10-40 window and WME is about to deploy a missionary to focus on Disciplemaking in the Indonesia area.  We have adopted the Southern Africa Disciple Making Movements and have a missionary couple preparing to launch new DMM outreach to tribals in Botswana. So we are engaged in those areas. But our primary project for Church Planting Movement/Disciple Making Movement strategy has been in Latin America.  Our goal is to see multiple church planting/disciple making movements occur until the task is completed in Latin America....and simultaneously and subsequently, to...

Following Jesus on the Road to Revelation

The classic "home base" scripture on the Roman Road (a witnessing method that many of us are familiar with) is Romans 10: 9.  It says, "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."  Millions of people have come to the Lord by praying a "sinner's prayer" based on this verse. Praise God for every genuine salvation experience. But those of us who have worked in Evangelism, Discipleship, Missions, and Church Planting, have been troubled over the years by the additional millions who seem to have glibly repeated a prayer and then have evidenced no observable change in behavior or character.  Indeed, statistically, the vast majority of Americans claim to be "Christian".....but the moral landscape of our nation tells a very different story! And then there is a scripture like this that should be read alongside Romans 10:9.  Check out what...