Miraculous Movements Touches All The Bases
My good friend and mentor, Jerry Trousdale, has just written a great book. It was Jerry that introduced me to the real concepts of Church Planting Movements in 2005. His friendship and help has been crucial in all that I have learned about cpm since then, and his input has been critical to what is currently happening in Honduras.....churches and studies that are impacting approximately 7,000 people! The book is called "Miraculous Movements" and is a chronicle of the disciple making movements that have been transforming Africa in the last 7 years. If you buy 1 book on Kingdom advance this year, let it be "Miraculous Movements". Here is a review that I posted on Amazon concerning it. http://www.amazon.com/Miraculous-Movements-Hundreds-Thousands-Muslims/dp/141854728X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1330229022&sr=1-1 Jerry Trousdale has done an important service in writing this new book. Miraculous Movements does a great job of chronicling the amazing move of...